What the course is about
This course is foundational wisdom teaching for Awakening to Soulful and Spiritual Living free from fear, anxiety, anger, grief and pretense. It offers you the opportunity to get to know your Self - beyond any limiting idea, feeling or sense of who you are. It is an invitation to awaken to your Soul and your Spirit, an inner adventure to explore what you are beyond the mind and the small sense of self we know of as the 'ego.’
Mani teaches in a way that offers you the opportunity to go beyond the known and the habitual by becoming present. Freeing yourself from the sense of lack and separation that characterizes the normal egoic stance. This course is not just informative but a transmission that can guide you towards ever greater freedom and the harmonization of your life, mind and body.
There are clear pointings on how to disengage from your limited surface personality and egoic conditioning so that you may be open to realize all that you are. The Truth of both your Being and Becoming
The Art of Resting Meditation offers you a clear foundation from which you can open to both Soul and Spirit by awakening to your Witnessing Presence. From this calm, centered presence, you are free to deepen into your full potential and to bring that potential to help transform your life.
This course differs from other teachings that bring you to the Witnessing Presence because it teaches you to connect to your Will. This Will to be free, to know yourself is innate. When it is covered over by the surface personality, we lose touch with an important guiding force.
When we are in contact with it however, it centralizes our focus and our aspiration around what is important and gives us the power to change, the power to investigate and to transform. This is not a passive resting but a Willed movement that has an evolutionary power behind it.
Resting Meditation recognizes the part our Will plays in disengaging from our surface nature. Our Will is to disengage, to explore and to realize what we are beyond the confinements of mind, life energies and body.
If we do not recognize this Will within us, we may miss the opportunity to Wake In to our Soul. Your Soul is the aspect of your being that can bring harmony to your life.
Course Content
● 37 Videos with detailed pointings
● Guided Meditations (audio downloads)
● PDF's, Course Overview & Glossary
Course Curriculum
Reviews of Mani's Resting Meditation
"I loved this - helped me to feel fully relaxed and just BE" ~ Margie
"Exactly what I needed, a purposeful message and loving support to integrate into one's being. Namaste." ~ Jana
"What a gift - Thank you so much." ~ Laura
"Truly wonderful content and calm tone of voice. I will use this again!" ~ Linda
"Wonderful voice, very soothing, easy to relax into meditation." ~ Makki
"Beautiful, one I will return to." ~ Maria
Mani is a spiritual mentor, meditation instructor, author and bodyworker based in Portugal. He embodies an ever-deepening awakening that has utterly transformed his life, mind and body. His presence and teachings help others to come out of limitation and awaken to a soulful and spiritual life.
“I share in service to what is good, true and beautiful. What I share is not based on spiritual, philosophical or psychological theory alone, but on direct insight. My joy as a simple Being is to point you back to your own Truth.
I invite you to join me in an exploration into the depth of who you are - to awaken. This course is an offering to those of you who have the sincere will and aspiration to awaken and transform the limitations of your surface personality into a true and joyful expression of your Soul & Spirit.” ~ Mani
For more details
"It's really wonderful. There is a beautiful and powerful transmission of presence throughout. The course runs really smoothly and clearly and I really love the pace of the videos as well as how they are sectioned with different talking points. I actually found it very powerful in crystallizing your pointings so I really want to thank you for making it available to me."
~ Emer, Ireland
"I have never seen (or heard) such a clear and deep pointing to the resting- or witnessing poise of consciousness! I think it is a perfect course, and Mani's eyes show the depth from where He is talking. I am deeply grateful for Mani's teachings and that I was able to engage in it. Even though most of the terrain was not completely new to me, I was able to deepen my understanding. Just one example, out of many, I have never heard such a clear description of what the surface nature is. The guided meditation revealed some subtleties that I was not aware of before and that I also cannot (yet) put into words. I think that this course might be helpful for a wider array of people, from a beginner to somebody a little more advanced."
~ Benjamin, Switzerland